
抖音小程序 2024-01-06 14:30:34 53


  • Firstly, the app may not have the search function enabled. Users can check if the search function is available in the app's settings or by looking for a search bar within the app.
  • Secondly, the user's account may have some restrictions imposed by the platform, such as a temporary ban or filtering due to inappropriate content.
  • Thirdly, there could be an issue with the user's internet connection or device configuration. Users can try restarting their devices or reconnecting to the internet to resolve this issue.
  • Lastly, it's possible that the specific query or topic being searched for is not available or accessible within the app.



  • 检查抖音APP是否开启了搜索功能,可以在设置或在APP内寻找搜索栏进行检查;
  • 检查您的账户是否存在平台施加的限制,如临时封禁或因不当内容导致的过滤;
  • 检查您的网络连接或设备配置是否存在问题,可以尝试重启设备或重新连接网络以解决;
  • 最后,请确认您所搜索的特定话题或内容是否在抖音APP内可用或可访问。


The End